Department Of Social Work - Publications


S.No Title of the paper Name of the Author(s) Name of the journal ISBN/ISSN No.
1. Policy Efforts to take HIV/AIDS in India through the Five Years Plans S.Sathia Research Directions ISSN:2321-5488
2. Magnitute of HIV-An inspection of available information. S.Sathia Research Directions ISSN:2321-5488
3. Self Restraint Among School Going Children of Alcoholic Fathers S.Sathia Sanlax International Journal of Arts,Science andHumanities ISSN:2321-788X,Im:pact factor:5.1723
4. A Study on Mental, Health of School Children with Special
Reference to Michale's Home,
MS.Nancy Priya&
Sr.D.Victoriya Amalorpava Mary
Sanlax International Journal of Arts,Science andHumanities ISSN:2321-788X,Im:pact factor:5.1723
5. Sstisfaction with life of Visually Impaird Children in ThiruchirapalliDistrict S.Sathia
Sr.D.Victoriya Amalorpava Mary
Sanlax International Journal of Arts,Science andHumanities ISSN:2321-788X, Impact factor: 5.1723
6. A Study on Life satisfaction of adolescents with Special Reference to St.Joseph Schoo,lThanjavur District Sr.D.Victoriya Amalorpava Mary &
Sanlax International Journal of Arts,Science andHumanities ISSN:2321-788X,Im:pact factor:5.1723
7. A Study on Mental health of visually impaird adolescents in Perambalur District S.Sathia
Sr.D.Victoriya Amalorpava Mary&
Sanlax International Journal of Arts,Science andHumanities ISSN:2321-788X,Im:pact factor:5.1723
8. A Study on depression,
Anxiety and stress among the adolescents with special reference to St.Joseph School Thanjavur
Sr.D.Victoriya Amalorpava Mary&
International Journal of Economis, Commerce and Research ISSN(P):2250-0006,


S.No Title of the paper Name of the Author(s) Name of the journal ISBN/ISSN No.
1. Stress Managenment and PCOS G.Esther Rani The PCOS Primer ISBN:819287994-1
2. Chief Minister M.G. Ramachandran and Social Welfare S.Sangeeta Book Entitled Dr. M. G. R - Panmuga Parvai ISBN: 978-81-7090-479-3.
3. Problems and Challenges Faced in Imparting Social Work
Education in India.
S.Sangeeta journal Research On
Humanities and Social Sciences,
ISSN: 2225-0484. September 2017 with Impact factor 5.45.


S.No Title of the paper Name of the Author(s) Name of the journal ISBN/ISSN No.
1. A Study on Status on Working Women with reference to their
Stress level, Job satisfaction and Grievance among College teachers in
Thanjavur district
S.Sangeeta International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research 6, issue 2(2)) ISSN: 2277-7881 with impact factor:


S.No Title of the paper Name of the Author(s) Name of the journal ISBN/ISSN No.
1. A Study on Employer Renton in Arigar Anna Sugar mills-Krungulam S.Sangeeta Indo Global Journal of Commerce and
ISSN: 2393-9796


S.No Title of the paper Name of the Author(s) Name of the journal ISBN/ISSN No.
1. S.Sangeeta, s.Gayathri a study on "Job Stress among Call Center Employee in Ernakulam district, Kerala" S.Sangeeta International Journal of research and Business Innovation (volume 3 no.4) ISSN: 2321-5615 with impact factor:1.53.
2. S.Sangeeta, Status of Women-A study among College Teachers in Thanjavur District. S.Sangeeta journal contemporary social issues and problems, peer reviewed and indexed ISSN:2349-0195