About DBT Star SCheme


The Department of Biotechnology (DBT) has launched a scheme "Star College Scheme for Strengthening of Science Education and Training at Undergraduate Level" for improving critical thinking and 'hands-on' experimental work at the undergraduate (college) level in sciences. It is expected to encourage, more students to take up higher education in science. DBT will identify colleges with ambition and potential for excellence and provide academic and physical infrastructure for achieving excellence in teaching and unique exposure of students to experimental science.

The Star College Scheme is a pan-India Scheme that envisages a Star College in every district of the country, thus the Department shall exert dialogues with the State Government and identify colleges that can be considered for support under this Scheme. DBT has supported over 200 undergraduate colleges across the country in the past 9 years. Apart from financial support, colleges benefit tremendously from guidance received in Advisory Committee Meetings, mentoring, Task Force Meetings, and learning from peers in other colleges.


The DBT Committed values:

  • Pursuit of excellence
  • Academic and intellectual freedom
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Diversity
  • Cooperation and Communication
  • Accountability.