Department Of History - Publications


S.No Title of the paper Name of the Author(s) Name of the journal ISBN/ISSN No.
1. Primary and secondary sectors of production during french trade at Karaikal in the eighteenth century Dr.G.Aghalya UGC Journal. No. 45489 - Research Directions ISSN NO - 2321-5488 Impact Factor - 5.7,
Vol: 6 Issue: 12, March 2019
2. Education and empowerment of women with disabilities towards sustainable development Dr.K.Radhabai
3. Welfare schemes for women in tamil nadu during the rule of dravida munnetra kazahagam (1967-1975) Ms.R. DEVI


S.No Title of the paper Name of the Author(s) Name of the journal ISBN/ISSN No.
1. The Mysterious Sentiments Behind the Iron Pillar Dr.G.Aghalya International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Arts and Humanities (IJIRAH) ISSN: 2456 - 3145 with Impact Factor: 5.225
2. Historical heritage of Badmanabhapuram palace in Kanyakumari District Dr.T.Jayanthi


S.No Title of the paper Name of the Author(s) Name of the journal ISBN/ISSN No.
1. Women Human rights and Domestic Abuses Dr.G.Aghalya Indian Journal of current Research -
2. East India Company In India Office Record Dr.G.Aghalya International Journal of Computational Research and Development ISSN: 2456-3137with impact factor 4.775
3. R.Venkataraman in National Politics M.A.Sugantha International Journal of Computational Research and Development ISSN: 2456-3137with impact factor 4.775